Jun 1Liked by Charlotte Hamrick

I value our friendship as well, Charlotte! And I’m, right now, sending you a pic of our new pup via email. 😊

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May 21Liked by Charlotte Hamrick

Charlotte, thank you for going the distance with Buddy. Many years ago, one of our cats went blind and had diarrhea the last few months of his life. We did the same with the pee pads. In fact, because Mikey was a cat and not allowed outside, I covered the floor of our guest room with pee pads and slept in there with him so when he had to go at 2 am, I could get up and clean everything up (which often meant taking him into the shower because he inevitably fell into his shit). I became sleep-deprived but I’d do it all over again … and we have had to nurse sick cats before Mikey and since. All our cats are/were strays and definitely the timing of when they’d show up made me wonder. Maxine showed up as Mikey started to fail. Wendy came into our lives as Luisa was preparing for her exit. Do things happen for a reason? I’m more of a “shit happens” kind of person, but when it comes to our cats, I wonder 😉

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Oh, gosh. I was very sleep deprived with Sammy for the last 2 months of his life so I know what you mean. Fortunately, so far, Buddy only howls in the night about 4 out of 7 and I’m usually only up about an hour with him. It’s really nothing compared to what Sammy’s situation was. Thanks for sharing your story - it’s gratifying to know there are like-minded pet owners that love their pets as I do, and take pet ownership seriously. It really is a lifetime commitment. ❤️🩵💜

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May 22Liked by Charlotte Hamrick

We treat them as if they were our children, which in many ways they are.

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May 19Liked by Charlotte Hamrick

Hi, Charlotte. Geez, I feel like I could have written this post (though never as elegantly and perfectly as you have here). My heart goes out to you, and I can see what a loving pet parent you are just by the way you describe carrying Buddy outside to his pee place and how you sit with him until he goes back to sleep. And I know what a great, loving pet parent you were to Sammy, too. And taking Albert into your heart—he came along just for you, I’m sure of that. I wish there were more loving pet parents like you “out there”; your 4-leggeds have been really blessed to have found a home in your heart. As for free will vs. preordination, well, that’s an issue about with my husband and I often disagree. As a baptized Presbyterian, I do believe in preordination/predestination, though my husband says, no, it’s all about free-will. I can’t really “back up my belief” though with reasons; I just “feel it,” though I do have my explanations, but they’re too lengthy to go into here. However, now I’ll just negate my position and say that 3 weeks ago we adopted a new puppy! It was free-will on our part … or was it? 😉

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Awww! I’d love to see your new baby. Send me a pic! Thanks for your kind words here and your previous ones as well as your friendship. I value it!

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May 18Liked by Charlotte Hamrick

Oh Charlotte, I'm so sorry about Buddy. I've been there on your end, but also, as I get older, think about being on Buddy's end. I hope I have a Charlotte to take care of me. Twelve dogs! Wow. I've only spanned a quarter of that number in my life, and each dog (plus one horse) marked me in indelible ways. The question you pose is big one. I remember when my neighbor's 38 year old husband died and my other neighbor said that it got her husband to church, so that was her reason, her best. And I was pretty angry, did not see it that way. But I do see some power working, look back at how one seemingly small decision made a big impact on my life. And I see that play out in others' lives as well. It's always in looking back. I love the portraits of your fur babies. I'll stop now.

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I think about being on Buddy’s end, too. In fact, I find myself thinking about it a lot as I get older and with no kids to help out. (Not that they necessarily do!) We have to keep ourselves in as good a health as we can and stay active. What else can we do? Yes, every dog I’ve had has been special and all were rescues or strays except the first one. It will be weird to not have a dog when Buddy goes but my heart can’t take any more sickness & death. The last 3 took a lot out of me, in the end. Thanks for reading & it’s good to hear from you! Take all the space you want. 😊💜

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May 18Liked by Charlotte Hamrick

I’m more of a leaning into finding meaning in the midst of “shit happens” sort of person. I found that to be accurate a lot during my years of ministry when a lot of “shit” happened both personally and professionally.

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That’s a good way of looking at life events, especially stressful ones. Thanks for sharing!

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