I love our old (300+ years) oak in our backyard!

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It’s really a privilege to have these old trees on our little slices of land!

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This is so very beautiful, Charlotte. Oh, trees! Thank you so much for reminding me of some of my own favorite beauties.

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Than you for reading, Diane. Tree lovers unite!

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You’ve hit on so many notes here, Charlotte. Let me try to summarize and say one of my first views every morning is of the Queen palms in the distance out my kitchen window. I read you piece this morning in my backyard a few feet from a massive stump of a long gone palm. I try to picture that grand thing all the time. I could go on, but here’s to trees. And thank you.

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Ah, what a nice morning view! The Queen that fell during Ida left a stump about 4 feet high & it’s still there. A good home for bugs and lizards. Thanks for reading!

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